IAPCO Seminar/ IMEX Community Day
- Preview Duration
- Become Empowered for the Brave New Digital World 45 min
Speaker: David Meade
Moderator: Martin Boyle, CEO, IAPCO
In this immersive session, BBC’s David Meade will share insight and research on how high performing teams, individuals, and organisations bounce back, build resilience, and achieve world-class performance against the odds. He’ll also show how simple tools can be used to skyrocket engagement and retention in online meetings, webinars, and learning. The session will show:
· How to build resilience and collective ambition through change
· How to motivate, engage and empower your team fit for a brave new digital world – shifting the value proposition for delegates and sponsors
· How to transform your next virtual education session from zoom doom to a more interactive multimedia experience that will truly move the needle on the learning experience and performance of participants
· Why bitesize, chunked microlearning is the most effective mode of delivery and retention of knowledge-share in the virtual learning environment
Please click the presentations tab above to view to session.